About Us

As our brand name is related to the name of DHANVANTRI lord of Ayurveda (To increase life according to nature) The term āyurveda (Sanskrit: आयुर्वेद) is composed of two words, āyus, आयुस्, "life" or "longevity", and Veda, वेद, "knowledge", translated as "knowledge of longevity" or "knowledge of life and longevity".
Our brand name is DHWANWANTRE.
We believe that food is your medicine and medicine is your food coz we intake our daily nutrition and minerals through food and we practice that the best medicine for a person comes from nature.
We also believe that a person knows his body much more than anyone so he or she should become his own doctor first and try to cure himself or herself first through the natural process of the body by giving perfect environment and healthy food which was grown by our INDIAN ancestors.
our Indian ancestors were intellectuals they preserved the best seed and bread of plants and animals so that we can live a healthy life without taking synthetic supplements.
we are connected with the people who are MBBS doctors, BAMS doctors, and BNYS doctors all these doctors believe in the concept of nature and naturopathy given by Ayurveda and they help us and people to get the best food which is best according to their health.

We are also studying and doing research from ancient textbooks that teach naturopathy as well as Ayurveda and provide you with superfoods which is natural and organic.

About the founder of DHANWANTRE
I did B.tech in the ECE branch in 2015 after that I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition but after meeting many doctors I was sure that only Ayurveda could heal me through a natural process I started practicing it and got tremendous results after following the rule of nature.
So I decided to study naturopathy and was admitted to a diploma course in naturopathy and also did an LLB.
Now most of my time goes into studying Ayurveda and naturopathy.
For almost 7 years I have been studying Ayurveda and naturopathy.
now we are committed to providing you with the best food and natural things that mother nature has provided us.
I hope you are ready to get connected with your roots and enjoy your healthy life according to nature.

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